Catastrophism is a scientific theory that suggests that the Earth’s history has been shaped by cyclical, sudden, violent, and widespread geophysical events.
My introduction to catastrophism occured in February of 2024 when a friend sent me a video by Ben Davidson: THE Earth Disaster Documentary.
One important detail in particular from the video caught my attention. At the moment of watching that video and writing this introduction I reside in the country of Ecuador. According to Ben, this part of South America is to become the next South Pole, with the Bay of Bengal near India as the next location for the North Pole. More importantly, the shift, he claims, will happen within a day.
Ben predicts that a global cataclysm triggered by a micronova from the Sun will result in causing: an arc discharge (thunderbolt “of the Gods”), an explosion of micronova impactors, an extreme radiation blast, massive lightning and raging fires, continental tsunamis and flooding, global hurricane winds, climatic extremes, and a global earthquake with a polar shift. Death, famine, violence and disease will come with the natural disasters. He expects this to occur between 2030-2050.
The scale of this disaster would probably kill most humans and could possibly lead to the extinction of our species, as well as many others.
In my particular case, if I remain here in Ecuador, and the South Pole prediction is correct, I would then freeze to death even if I survive all of the other aspects of the cataclysm.
This possibility grabbed my attention and has led to a critical examination of Ben’s ideas and sources. Unfortunately for me, Ben is not the only one predicting that Ecuador will be near the next South Pole and the argument seems to be strong enough to warrant serious consideration.
Since watching that first video by Ben, I have arranged my life so that I can give my full attention to this topic until my understanding of the subject is sufficient enough to make some hard decisions, which may involve relocating and an entirely different focus as I reset my life priorities.
After several months down this rabbit-hole I have looked at the work of several other catastrophists. I am convinced that the Earth is subject to cyclical cataclysms of Biblical or astronomical proportion. Some of the predictions about how the Earth might “flip”, where the next poles might be, or the sequence and location of blast patterns from prior solar explosions are more complicated. These assertions are more speculative and sometimes there is conflicting data.
I intend to write a series of articles trying to make sense of all the information in the hope of reaching some sort of clarity or at least an educated best-guess about some of the unknowns.
If what catastrophists claim is true, then I consider this the most important area of study for those concerned with survival and the continuity of humanity on Earth.
I hope that my efforts help you in preparing for what is to come.
I invite you to join me on my journey of discovery…
THE Earth Disaster Documentary
Read more of the…
Introduction to Catastrophism (this article)