Thank you for your work with this! My understanding was that the next pole shift would mean a reversal of the last direction resulting in the opposite coast of continents being adversely affected? If that was the case the west coast would be safer now even at lower altitudes, but avoid the east coast?
What is the evidential basis for this idea?: "the next pole shift would mean a reversal of the last direction resulting in the opposite coast of continents being adversely affected?"
There are several things that would need to be determined to answer your questions:
1) The pattern of prior pole flips, sequenced and dated.
If we are going to presume that the earth is going to shift a particular way, we would need to have a reliable record of how the earth has flipped for several prior cycles to see if there is an obvious pattern. I am not aware of any strong evidence supporting a specific pattern. I agree with Hapgood and Velikovsky that there is a lot of evidence that points to the Hudson Bay, Canada as the location of the North Pole prior to the last pole shift. Before this shift, the geological evidence gets much weaker.
If the shift was from Hudson Bay to where the pole is now, it would seem that the ocean most likely came from the south and moved northward during the last flip as North America would have shifted 30-degrees southward.
I think that our best chance for establishing a pattern will come from a meta analysis of paleomagnetism studies. I have not yet had the time to do this undertaking myself.
2) While I intend to explain in a future article how we can use the Bonneville Lake shoreline in the Great Basin area of the western US as a guide for a high-water mark from past ocean intrusions, I am not aware of any evidence indicating the initial direction of the ocean invasion on the land.
Plus, we need to be aware of slosh back. I don't consider any low elevation place safe, regardless of what coast it might be on. I imagine the slosh back reaching a similar height as the initial wave as the water stabilizes. If you shove a bucket of water across the floor and see the water inside the bucket slosh back and forth until it equalizes, all sides of the bucket are touched by a similar high water level, in an almost equivalent way.
3) It is not clear to me if the Earth shifts in a smooth straight line during a pole shift, from one position, to a new position, or if it wobbles, swings, jerks, etc. while in transit to the next polar locations. A comparative study of ancient texts might reveal some useful descriptions that might give us an idea of how smooth the transition is (at least for the event described). Velikovsky has some accounts and perhaps David Talbot or others might have found some interesting records that might give us clues.
I have two articles on my Substack that go into the evidence for the last pole flip: see "THE MAMMOTH CONUNDRUM" and "More Problems with the 90° Earth Flip Theory", for info on that.
I am not sure that anyone has figured out what is going to happen during the next flip. If I come up with any good ideas, I will share them. I would personally try to identify the high water mark(s) and place myself well above that mark, in case the next event is worse or happens differently than predicted by the many theorists, speculators, and prophets. It is better to be higher than necessary than too low when that ocean comes rushing at you.
The Andes rising dramatically is congruent with mariobuildreps pole motion derived from ancient monument orientations, where the earth expands in the Pacific region and pressures/squeezes the Atlantic ridges. Causing the axis/pole to shift as the pacific grows.
Just looking at Dutchsinse's reporting on earthquakes worldwide and the ability to predict them seems to be centered around the largest and most consistent activity which initiates the repetitive effect seems to center around the deep Pacific Challenger Deep/Mariana Trench - like a birthing zone if you will.
Because of the upheaval in South America I eliminated the continent as an avenue to look for a high water mark for the great floods, in my forthcoming article. I think the Rockies have been more stable in terns of elevation changes and that is why I decided to use the Rockies as the study area for past flood height. If South America was going to be a potential data point for the height of the great flood(s), it would have to be determined that the uplift occurred before the last tsunami. It seems to me that the uplift probably occurred after the last major tsunami or simultaneously with it. The Andes is likely invalid as a point of reference for a high water mark.
Good article, I appreciate it. A few thoughts I had though, were centered on the reality of geoengineering, and how that appears to be causing the drought in South America/Amazon at large. They dry out the western coasts, and flood the eastern ones. (worldwide) "We will own the air by 2025" US Air Force. I just recently found out that Ecuador is the only country in all of South America that is experiencing black outs. Due to poor planning regarding infrastructure, and priorities. But it seems to me that despite other countries having back up for water/electricity, geoengineering will take it's toll in all countries, eventually. And I wouldn't discount the biblical story in all of this as well. We are in the end of days....which has a happy ending.....but not on this planet. The earth is groaning for her redemption, just as we all are. Blessings.
There also seems to be major natural shifts and cycles to the planets climate (long before geoengineering and the Industrial Revolution). One example is the African humid period ( when the Sahara was said to be lush and green.
It is difficult to know to what degree the weather is being manipulated versus what may be macro changes in the solar system, shifting our planets rain patterns.
We may be seeing a period where South America will be drying out and it may stay that way for a long time.
Thank you for your work with this! My understanding was that the next pole shift would mean a reversal of the last direction resulting in the opposite coast of continents being adversely affected? If that was the case the west coast would be safer now even at lower altitudes, but avoid the east coast?
Hi Adam,
You're welcome.
What is the evidential basis for this idea?: "the next pole shift would mean a reversal of the last direction resulting in the opposite coast of continents being adversely affected?"
There are several things that would need to be determined to answer your questions:
1) The pattern of prior pole flips, sequenced and dated.
If we are going to presume that the earth is going to shift a particular way, we would need to have a reliable record of how the earth has flipped for several prior cycles to see if there is an obvious pattern. I am not aware of any strong evidence supporting a specific pattern. I agree with Hapgood and Velikovsky that there is a lot of evidence that points to the Hudson Bay, Canada as the location of the North Pole prior to the last pole shift. Before this shift, the geological evidence gets much weaker.
If the shift was from Hudson Bay to where the pole is now, it would seem that the ocean most likely came from the south and moved northward during the last flip as North America would have shifted 30-degrees southward.
I think that our best chance for establishing a pattern will come from a meta analysis of paleomagnetism studies. I have not yet had the time to do this undertaking myself.
2) While I intend to explain in a future article how we can use the Bonneville Lake shoreline in the Great Basin area of the western US as a guide for a high-water mark from past ocean intrusions, I am not aware of any evidence indicating the initial direction of the ocean invasion on the land.
Plus, we need to be aware of slosh back. I don't consider any low elevation place safe, regardless of what coast it might be on. I imagine the slosh back reaching a similar height as the initial wave as the water stabilizes. If you shove a bucket of water across the floor and see the water inside the bucket slosh back and forth until it equalizes, all sides of the bucket are touched by a similar high water level, in an almost equivalent way.
3) It is not clear to me if the Earth shifts in a smooth straight line during a pole shift, from one position, to a new position, or if it wobbles, swings, jerks, etc. while in transit to the next polar locations. A comparative study of ancient texts might reveal some useful descriptions that might give us an idea of how smooth the transition is (at least for the event described). Velikovsky has some accounts and perhaps David Talbot or others might have found some interesting records that might give us clues.
I have two articles on my Substack that go into the evidence for the last pole flip: see "THE MAMMOTH CONUNDRUM" and "More Problems with the 90° Earth Flip Theory", for info on that.
I am not sure that anyone has figured out what is going to happen during the next flip. If I come up with any good ideas, I will share them. I would personally try to identify the high water mark(s) and place myself well above that mark, in case the next event is worse or happens differently than predicted by the many theorists, speculators, and prophets. It is better to be higher than necessary than too low when that ocean comes rushing at you.
Thank you for engaging in this conversation!
The Andes rising dramatically is congruent with mariobuildreps pole motion derived from ancient monument orientations, where the earth expands in the Pacific region and pressures/squeezes the Atlantic ridges. Causing the axis/pole to shift as the pacific grows.
Hi M11S,
Do you have a link that you can share about mariobuildreps work on this?
This covers the geology parts and has some good visuals.
His homepage covers the analysis of pole alignment of ancient structures.
He still believes these are gradual changes, but nothing in his work prevents rapid shifts/accelerations during solar catastrophes.
Just looking at Dutchsinse's reporting on earthquakes worldwide and the ability to predict them seems to be centered around the largest and most consistent activity which initiates the repetitive effect seems to center around the deep Pacific Challenger Deep/Mariana Trench - like a birthing zone if you will.
I wonder, if there were sufficient forces to uplift the Andes that far, what would/could have happened to the Rockies and California...
I had a similar thought and looked into it a little before putting up the article.
In South America the Andes uplift is right along the Nazca plate.
Presumably the Nazca plate was "shoved" under the South American continent causing the dramatic uplift.
In North America, the Rockies are on the North American plate, some distance from the Pacific Plate fault line that runs along the west coast.
But the Gorda-California-Nevada Orogeny may have shifted things somewhat inland.
Because of the upheaval in South America I eliminated the continent as an avenue to look for a high water mark for the great floods, in my forthcoming article. I think the Rockies have been more stable in terns of elevation changes and that is why I decided to use the Rockies as the study area for past flood height. If South America was going to be a potential data point for the height of the great flood(s), it would have to be determined that the uplift occurred before the last tsunami. It seems to me that the uplift probably occurred after the last major tsunami or simultaneously with it. The Andes is likely invalid as a point of reference for a high water mark.
Good article, I appreciate it. A few thoughts I had though, were centered on the reality of geoengineering, and how that appears to be causing the drought in South America/Amazon at large. They dry out the western coasts, and flood the eastern ones. (worldwide) "We will own the air by 2025" US Air Force. I just recently found out that Ecuador is the only country in all of South America that is experiencing black outs. Due to poor planning regarding infrastructure, and priorities. But it seems to me that despite other countries having back up for water/electricity, geoengineering will take it's toll in all countries, eventually. And I wouldn't discount the biblical story in all of this as well. We are in the end of days....which has a happy ending.....but not on this planet. The earth is groaning for her redemption, just as we all are. Blessings.
There also seems to be major natural shifts and cycles to the planets climate (long before geoengineering and the Industrial Revolution). One example is the African humid period ( when the Sahara was said to be lush and green.
It is difficult to know to what degree the weather is being manipulated versus what may be macro changes in the solar system, shifting our planets rain patterns.
We may be seeing a period where South America will be drying out and it may stay that way for a long time.